The Challenge
Briton approached us to overhaul all elements of their branding, including a creative approach to their brand positioning, as well as key messaging. Once complete, a relaunch plan was needed that would communicate the value of the brand to their target market sectors of commercial, healthcare and education.
The Solution
We set out to show how Briton products form an important part of the safety and security within a range of building types. By focussing on safety issues typical of buildings within the educational, commercial and healthcare sectors, we were able to highlight a range of issues that managers of these buildings face. As part of showcasing this research we included key elements that focussed on highlighting how Briton products address these primary safety issues.
Our work here started by gathering opinions and insight from users of the buildings in each sector, site managers of these buildings, and the experts at Briton. We also conducted in-depth research into the three target market sectors to explore their current fire safety measures.
Alongside our research we developed an updated visual identity, key messaging for the brand and updated brand assets designed to cover a wide range of uses. Three industry specific guides were written, designed and produced, as well as a short educational video showcasing our findings and Briton’s brand message.
Company Overview
Part of the Allegion Group, Briton are a leading provider of fire safety and security door hardware.
What we provided

The Results
On the first month of launch, the campaign generated aroud 30 individual pieces of coverage in the industry press, delivering a reach of around 500,000 people. Additional to this, the guides, in both physical and digital form, and the supporting video, give Briton ongoing assets which will work to both engage their audience while further reinforcing the updated positioning of the brand.

Our clients love what we do!
The Jask team were a delight to work with, efficient, professional, and friendly all the way through the project. Their strategic thinking and expert creative skills resulted in a fantastic launch, which we are very pleased with. They kept us in the loop throughout the stages, delivering everything in a timely fashion. We would definitely recommend Jask to other businesses looking for an external team to complete creative projects. Great work!