Worry-free hosting and maintenance

We’ve set up our infrastructure specifically to run WordPress with no input required from you. No need to worry about bandwidth, storage or any of that nonsense, we manage it all for you, not a control panel in-site. Our in-house development and deployment process ensures all code is vetted and tested before being seamlessly deployed to your production environment. You even get a staging area to utilise yourself if you want to experiment with some content before adding it to your live site.

Post deployment all WordPress CMS updates are taken care of automatically by our developers, while our in-house team are also available for any future support or development work required.

Lightning fast, reliable performance

No cheap shared hosting here. Our WP Plus+ sites have their own dedicated resources and multiple layers of finely tuned caching to ensure they are as fast as they can be. Speed is nothing though if it’s not reliable, so we have multiple redundancies built into our infrastructure to ensure your site performs solidly over time.

If you’d like to dive deeper into the technicalities of our hosting infrastructure feel free to get in touch and we’d be happy to get deep!

Enterprise level security with bullet-proof back-ups

We keep your site fully secure with SSL, Website isolation, automated backups, point-in-time database snapshots, DDoS protection, web application firewall, DNSSEC, code verification and two-factor authentication.

And provide proper backups, plain and simple:

  • Hourly database backups (this is the most important one!)
  • Daily media gallery backups
  • Website code stored in a redundant version control system
  • All stored off-site

Highly scalable solution, offering future flexibility

Your website should grow with your business without needing costly work every few months just to keep up with demand.

That’s why our WP Plus+ sites, along with the infrastructure, are built with future scalability in mind right from the start. Need to develop your site further? No problem!

Real customer service

An actual human at the other end of the phone if you have any concerns or need advice. Offering real understanding instead of speaking with a chatbot!

Get ready to say goodbye to the stress and headaches normally associated with maintaining your website.